Smiley faceLast updated: 31st Aug 2023
We are the Networking and Emerging Wireless Technologies (NEWT) Lab which focuses on augmenting new communication and sensing capabilities for the next-generation of wireless technologies. The director of the lab is Prof. Akshay Gadre, of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Washington.
NEWT Lab is exploring new application domains such as satellite IoT, agriculture and underwater devices, to apply our wireless expertise for improving communication and sensing capability of these devices while preserving the security and privacy of sensor data. Our prior work developed novel wireless physical layer solutions and phase-synchronization architectures for city-wide low-power wide area network infrastructure to improve the range, battery life and throughput of these power-starved IoT clients, further enabling important applications at scale such as forest fire detection and real-time satellite monitoring.

NEWT Lab is looking for hardworking and persevering Ph.D students to solve real world problems using wireless solutions in the following areas:
(1) Agricultural Sensing           (2) Underwater Acoustics           (3) Space Constellations           (4) Smart Cities

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